Mobile Therapy

Client Monitoring for Increased Engagement & Better Outcomes

Smartphone driven data collection for behavioral health clients between office visits or therapy sessions.

Mobile Therapy lets you monitor and engage your clients in less than 5 minutes

Research shows that ongoing monitoring can boost client engagement and therapy outcomes. Across a range of mental health problems, monitoring helps therapists track client progress and personalize treatment. We know what works, and we’ve built it into Mobile Therapy, guided by leading experts in psychology, to help you and your clients get the most out of every session.

A System That Fits Your Practice

We’ve designed a flexible platform that uses customizable survey questions and standardized assessments to gather the information on your clients that is most important to you.

How It Works


1. Enroll Your Clients

Use the web-based clinician dashboard to enroll clients and set up personalized questions and programs. We recommend collaborating with your client on both enrollment and review of data as it may dramatically increase their engagement.


2. Clients Log Data

The SelfEcho mobile app reminds your clients to check-in at whatever frequency you’ve specified. The client then responds to the questions you’ve assigned. These can be empirical metrics (e.g. rate your anxiety), journal entries or information about current situation and surroundings.


3. Monitor Progress

Insights on client mood, behavior and more are securely sent to your Mobile Therapy clinician dashboard where you can monitor progress and identify anomalies and trends. Share these reports with your client to increase engagement and use the information these data provide to make more informed treatment decisions.


All in an Easy-to-Use Safe and Secure System

HIPPA Compliant BadgeMobile Therapy holds privacy in the highest regard. Our system conforms to all HIPAA digital and physical security protocols, which are comparable to the security standards used for high-level banking transactions. Our database and access to the web application are SSL secured and encrypted to meet AES standards and take many additional precautions to protect privacy including requiring: strong passwords, automatic logouts, automatic logging of access, data backups, powerful firewalls.

Learn More >

Mobile Therapy is Improving Lives Today


“SelfEcho provides a unique means of communication between client and clinician. Clinicians are able to assist clients in identifying trends that affect mood, clients are provided with a quick, easy, and user-friendly method of communicating daily fluctuations in areas of struggle.” Dr. Shari Kim, PhD

Certified Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor

“Since I started using the app, my clinician has a specific agenda based on what happened since my last session. This has changed what we talk about and made our sessions more productive.” Kathrin B.

Mobile Therapy Client, San Francisco

“Mobile therapy makes me feel like I have a more active role in my treatment. Its really motivating to be able to sit down with my therapist and see with the graphs how I’ve come in dealing with my depression.” Andrew R.

Mobile Therapy Client, Washington D.C.